How to comply with the EU directive on pay equality and transparency? 9 simple steps
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9 steps you can take to comply with the EU pay equality and transparency directive.
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The authors:

Magdalena Tur
Comp & Ben Consultant

Aneta Samkoff
Comp & Ben Consultant
What is the new EU pay equality and transparency directive about?
On March 30, 2023, by a vast majority, the European Parliament approved the directive on pay transparency and equality.
The new law aims to increase pay transparency and reduce the gender pay gap in the EU.
According to the provisions, companies employing at least 250 employees will have to report the pay gap annually, while smaller organizations of 150-249 employees will have to submit such reports every three years. After five years since the directive's institution, this threshold will be lowered to 100 employees.
You'll learn from our checklist:
What is the directive about
What do you need to report
How to calculate the uncontrolled gap
How to calculate the controlled gap
When do you need to start reporting
What happens if you don't comply with the directive